You eat like a cut on non work-out days. With ostarine, I didnt put on much water or fat when going into a bulk. The following is a brief summary of common experiences shared by Ostarine My Stats: 26yrs old, 6ft tall, 175lbs, about 13% bodyfat. Ostarine: Week 1-2: 10 mg. dmuir1. 0therSyde • 2 yr. Sarms just suppress (not shut down your test) and it will jump back as the same as your liver. 5 mg ostarine for a 8 to 12 - week 1000 kcal -1250 kcal a day cut. I have always seen people say "Ostarine is made for A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) - Including LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, YK-11, S4, S23 and their relatives such as Cardarine, Stenabolic and MK-677. New Ostarine works, sure it can suppress you but all sarms can. Cringe name, solid supps. IDK what idiots are saying Ostarine isn't suppressive, but you're smart to not believe them. In 2 separate orders I purchased the pre-made bottles of MK-677 and MK-2866. Many report changes in lean muscle mass, improved strength, better recovery times, and reductions in body fat and water retention after using the compound 3. Compared to AAS and other SARMs, Ostarine is a good beginner compound. Have ran an Ostarine and enclo cycle before but had to stop at 6 weeks due to power tool accident requiring surgery. I'm a little stupefied with my results thus far. LGD and RAD are stronger, mg:mg, but having cut and recomped with both LGD and Osta, LGD is a superior choice for strength and mass gains in a caloric surplus, but I felt like I had a faster drop off in strength using LGD when cutting. I suggest you be safe and do the same cycle I’m doing, 8 weeks total of ostarine. Around the 4-5 week mark is where i began to make the most of my gains in strength. If you’re just starting trt yes I’d be a good idea to only run trt for awhile but adding We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. But I still not recommend it, there are better compounds out there (Anavar, Primo etc) for women. Calorie deficit around 600-700 cals a day. Cardarine was right away though. I've had a history of acne throughout my teenage/young adult years and my concern is the side effects that might arise when I'm on either cycle. Any reason I shouldn’t try this new (to me)…. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It definitely helped my surgically repaired knee heal much quicker though. With that being, I think unless your GF is a professional bodybuilder this is really not necessary. If you are trying to cut, no, I wouldn't use MK677. Had INSANE anxiety on it, only compound to ever do that to me We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'd recommend coming off if you're feeling like crazy. Both were effective and in line with what I had previously experienced. So far my results have been very mild. Week 3-8: 20 mg. r/sarmssourcetalk. Have liver support, enclo on hand, and my diet + workout in check. 1. Up 1-2kg no fat gained. I’m cutting on a 3-500 deficit and been taking mostly 20mg ED, although I bumped it up to 25 for five days. So I have been debating whether to run 5 mg of RAD-140 or 12. Have only used ostarine out of the two, but from what I read there's very little difference gains wise. So far it’s been a great journey no noticeable side effect apart from being very hungry 😅. I tried two sources, same exact thing from both. Stacked ostarine (oral- started cycle 2 weeks prior to prp shot) and prp injections into my shoulder and within 2 weeks of shot I'm lifting at 70-80% of what I was lifting prior to retearing my rotator cuff. Week 2/3/4: Ostarine 1ml (25mg) + NAC 600mg. Definitely helped my mood and felt pumped up longer after workouts. Or check it out in the app stores 26 165lbs male 7 years experience about to cycle ostarine for the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 5MG + Ostarine 10MG. 5ml (12. I have taken SARMS while being on Lexapro and there was no noticeable side effects. [deleted] ADMIN. About to start an ostarine cycle. Also about to start Ostarine-O-Acetate soon. Talking about sources is allowed and welcomed as long as its NOT PROHIBITED. . • 4 yr. [META] Low dose RAD-140 VS. My test levels were pretty good to begin with so I had room. My lab animal did 5 weeks at 25mg. 5 mg a day source ReceptorChem Definitely feel better pumps and endurance with slight strength changes, mental benefits are great motivation and drive is high however am noticing increased irritability and impatience anybody else experience this from osta? Feb 13, 2023 · Ostarine Before and After #3. 1800 cal/day with a refeed about every 2 weeks, but less often as cut progresses. Hoping for a slight recomp effect, to get to 10% bodyfat and gain about 2-3 lbs muscle or maintain while dropping fat mass and gaining some strength. This was a mistake, and although I’ve been back down to 20 for nearly a week, the lethargy is starting to be a drag. Recomp you have to work out 4 or less days a week though. You will have to perform a comprehensive PCT as well if you intend on coming off the testosterone too. Ostarine & yk11 experiences. The above user lost 23 pounds after an 8-week ostarine cycle, administering 20 mg/day. Will continue cycle and update as necessary. 30mg of ostarine is a waste because it has diminishing returns at higher doses. Both came quickly within a week. ie natty type gains while you're hungry for 10 weeks, rather than hitting a plateau and losing lean mass if you were actually natty and hungry for 10 weeks. Other people commented on my post taking Ostarine from other sources, saying they had similar sides. I got 3 bottles and did 25mg/d for 12 weeks. I can post pics if anyone is interested. I decided not to start the SNRI as I had already been…. Yes, Ostarine is quite mild and not as androgenic as other SARMs. Or check it out in the app stores ACP 105 7. Some people just get unlucky with side effects it’s a fact of life. I’ve been cutting with Ostarine at 25mg for 10 weeks, another 2 weeks left of my cycle, suppression set in at week 9, loss of libido, struggle sleeping, emotional, no motivation, extreme lethargy and tiredness, muscles felt flat. ANY EXPERIENCE? Locked post. I originally started for similar reasons (bike crash leading to a separate AC joint) that took my healing time down from 4-6 months to 2 (ligaments and tendons around the AC joint are permanent starched but not painful even when not taking anything so as good as its going to get). A typical Ostarine cycle is 8 weeks long. I think you’re having anxiety about the increased heart rate and it’s making things worse as well. 5. I lost a good bit of water weight coming off. You normally gain 1-5 lbs, usually in the middle range, of muscle with a standard farm cycle, and the rest being water or fat, within a standard 12 week cycle. Bro did you buy your ostarine from a junkie behind a dumpster. This is only day 3 of 20mg a day on Ostarine but this works incredibly well I think. Any more than 4 days a week and it's Ostarine experiences Question 2 weeks in 12. I havent taken the tamoxifen yet but i do have it on hand. It absolutely is, along with every other SARM and AAS. 5mg to 35mg at 35mg obviously saw the best results. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. true. Ostarine for ligament and joint strength and repair. Had great results with ChemYo’s Ostarine but saw SAF is doing buy 1 get 2 free. I started noticing a difference in strength within two weeks. Please read the rules! Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion. Ostarine with trt will definitely give you good results. 2. Calories will be around 2,200/2,300 (slightly on the lower side for maintenance but it's what works for me). Positive experience getting Mk-677 and Ostarine from Science. 5mg) + NAC 600mg. Just wondering if there is a certain time I should take ostarine or does it not really matter, as long as you have it in your system. I’m a 25 year old female 4 weeks into my first cycle ever, ostarine only at 6mg a day. “gym brahs” will tell you you’re a pussy & ask you to take 30mg of ostarine when it isn’t at all necessary. If your training and nutrition is on point and you are scratching the natural limits, ostarine definitly helps overcoming this barrier. Reply. I’m currently on the third week coming up to the fourth and I’ve noticed quite few changes. otherwise I’m a bit clueless to your reaction. • 5 yr. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S2…. Currently using their otr-ac. Three orders and three good experiences so far. You can talk about sources, side effects, cycles, PCT and post your progress. Liver support whenever you are running oral compounds. I do feel a little bit stronger and I’d say I’m looking a little more ripped but not noticeably. Just wanted to relay my experience with the site since it reopened for business. vigorous steve said ostarine made him weaker while on TRT due to the higher binding affinity. 12. 13 votes, 14 comments. OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice. No issues like that, but my lab baby also takes an iron supplement which tend to harden things down there. You will be fine, just lower your dose. Here let me help you out do this: 8 week Ostarine cycle. MembersOnline. Jim6152. I started taking a good B12 supplement and going for walks after each meal and that seemed to do the trick (or I got used to it). Probably meant more work got done but physically I didn't notice a massive change beyond what was to be expected. I didnt go get the cheapest, I got what I knew would be legit, just to get that out of the way. -1. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) - Including LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, YK-11, S4, S23 and their relatives such as Cardarine, Stenabolic and MK-677. Sharing my experience on an 8 week Ostarine cycle in the hopes it helps some people. Currently on science bio OG ostarine. As someone who has pretty consistent IBS, I didnt experience any issues with 25mg for 10 weeks. I'am thinking about doing the same cycle but I'am adding 12,5mg of enclomophine eod as test base. Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is in class of drugs called SARMS, which stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. Go read researches better than asking bro science in this sub. Award. I am 5'9" and 180 pounds, roughly 18% body fat. It's an easier way to stay with the hunger pangs. Mostly cardio gains. The potential side effects are much more harmful compared to men. Anyone ever rand the 2 together? If so what were your experiences with itPreferably 20mg Osta & 5mg YK both in the morning + MK677 before bed. • 3 yr. Personally I would take a test booster (their blue ox is good) while you're on the osta because it can cause some suppression and all test boosters do is increase free testosterone so you can balance out the suppression if you experience any, because it's typically so minor. I wouldn’t suggest going up to 20 on the first cycle. Sort by: Shogun_232. My experience with Ostarine, and why I will now stay natural. If you want a boost, just inject more testosterone. Some people get bad side effects from peanuts, doesn’t mean the peanut wasn’t a real peanut. Also there's not as much research into ACP 105 as Ostarine so I don't personally see the point of using it. Running 25mg of ostarine and 20mg of cardarine. . Even a 20-40% increase per shot would greatly benefit, it might potentially raise your bp, but if you go back down, it'll return to normal again. As with most things effects are dose dependant and individual reaction dependant. He adopted a calorie-deficit diet during his cycle, contributing to substantial fat loss. The issues with the period resolved after the 1st We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The cycle was set up as follows: (Source from ReceptorChem) Week 1: Ostarine 0. I took Ostarine for a week 1-2 years ago. Had no problems. You can use nolva but enclo is better. These effects are all dose dependent and are basically absent at 5mg per day. They have a super big fan base/ Facebook and MeWe. Yes ostarine is really good for this purpose but please prioritize recovery well before you start going after size! Hey, Used Ostarine multiple times, had great results with bicep tendinitis. Took me right at 4 weeks to notice any strength gains on Ostarine. My initial testosterone values before starting the ostarine cycle were: 600 ng/dl in a "optimal" values range which should go from 300 ng/dl to 1200 ng/dl. You should be alright. Archived post. He does not appear to have built any noticeable muscle mass, despite vast improvements in muscle definition. Side effects they have experienced are water bloat, mostly in the muscles but also subcutaneous, maybe a small pimple here and there but very minimal, period irregularities, increased sensitivity of the clitoris. Considering Ostarine is targeted for fat loss it wouldn’t make sense taking another “sarm” that promotes hunger. I used Umbrella labs for 1 week and switched to chemyo for 2 weeks due to weird sides from Umbrella. Please read the rules! RAD-150. you might’ve have it laced with pro hormones but your mental state most likely affected most of that. Posting this to warn people about buying from Amino Asylum. • 1 yr. META. Currently on week 3 of ostarine-o-acetate 20mg conjunct cardarine 20mg with very little results?! I took rad140 for 4 weeks previously with a great increase in strength, size, overall weight gain (struggle horribly to gain weight), and I took a break from SARMs and resumed with ostarine and cardarine with the goal being to lose some fat I also started a deficit diet of 1500 calories a day three weeks before the cycle. Ostarine will heal u. Osta is pretty strong for me too. Cardio is solid but I'm running the cycle for my shoulder not necessarily for packing on muscle. use LGD or anavar. I was prescribed an SNRI (similar to an SSRI) a few weeks before starting my Ostarine cycle. Never noticed joint pain. I do, makes me feel like it’s working or doing something. I'm aware ostarine generally has less side effects and less suppressive compared to LGD-4033, but from what I understand definitely your brain lead to a lot of this. 6. I bought Ostarine about 10 months ago, and a couple months ago decided to finally use it. Curious if there is a difference. titgluckgluck. Please read the rules! A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. I used it for a body recomp and it did just that. Yes, please update us. I decided to discontinue it after the 3 total weeks for feeling like ass/anxiety. ago. High blood pressure is only a concern if it is chronic (sustained high bp over a long period of time). Strength negligible. I messed up and bought the o acetate on accident. however a lot of those side effects sound similar to side effects of pro hormones. 5mg is only considered a moderate dose in the bodybuilding community. 1st week 10mg/d 2-8th week 15mg/d. Week 1-4: 10 mg Ostarine (plus whatever you wanna take on the side for health) Week 4-8: 20 mg of Ostarine (same as above) Then do a small MINI pct of Clomid, no high dosages, you'll just overkill. Share. That said, in a 4 week cycle you MIGHT gain around 1/3 a pound to 5/3 pounds of actual muscle. stareatwalls. Because ostarine will supress your test. Get some blood tests before you start so that you have baseline values you can refer back to. I was eating around 400g or carbs a day and was able to stay at ~9% body fat, while being able to lift heavy and get these godly pumps again. Zero contraindications. My brother uses their osta consistently and I use their aromasin and cialis and they're good. Curious to see what happens with yours! I got some ostarine o acetate from sci bio as well. TLDR: Took ostarine for a week, felt like shit after 5 days, then took DAA and felt better right away. ostarine is toxic garbage. It's impossible to say any SARM is "safe", it's all a matter of relativity. 36m 170lb / 2 ACL reconstructions in a 10 year period (basketball injuries) anyone have experience with ostarine cycle improving strength and pain/creaky joints? Did it help you recover strength and functionality of knee joints? Have a nagging ankle injury from bjj and wondering if ost will Hi all, Just sharing my experience with you all to help. Cardio 7 days 30mins - 1 hour. From a purely results-based standpoint, testosterone + ostarine will outperform ostarine alone. I sent 1 bottle away for third party testing We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A middle aged man's experience with Ostarine. I got Ostarine from a legit source, I verified on many sites and did my homework before buying. OSTARINE for semi rapid cut advice : r/sarmsourcetalk. Just started 10mg of ostarine/cardarine cycle 10 days ago and been experiencing really bad lethargy and brain fog. I havent heard of any gastro problems from ostarine personally. So I started ostarine at 30 mg/day, and by about day 10 there were DEFINITE improvements in recovery. Maybe you’re dealing with an infection, restricted calories or lack of sleep. 38 yo male 180cm and 25% BF at 210 lbs (15 stone). The liver is designed to handle the toxicity and recover by itself. I’d say that it actually helped with a lot of existing joint / bone pain that I had. •. 3K subscribers in the Ostarine community. Took from 12. Weights 6 days. If you only have enough supply for 4 weeks, i suggest you get some more. Take it. The sides I got were all standard side effects that are associated with Ostarine. I did just go back on TRT after being off for an entire year, but diet/exercise go a really long way on testosterone. OP - it depends on your goals and experience. Just sharing my experience. Which is better at building muscle and less suppressive? I was thinking as low as 5mg daily for 2-3 weeks, however after looking online people seem to be saying 5mg is too low of a dose to have any effect. 3. Was training hard and eating right and made some serious gains. No difference in weight, staying steady around 135. So I am 35, been lifting for years. The idea is you only eat like a bulk on work out days, supplying the energy you need after your work outs, dealing with the hungriest times with the most food. It certainly wouldn't be the end of the world if you upped it to 30mg for the remainder of the 2 weeks to finish the product. Not worth risking health for potential gains. If you really want to heal your muscle look into BPC-157 over on the peptides sub. I had to stop my Rad 140 cycle because I couldn't sleep. If you take the necessary precautions (bloodwork We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Currently on a cycle of ostarine, Anyone else experience incredibly sore muscles the day after We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 19K subscribers in the SARMs community. Is 10mg Ostarine enough? Into Week 5 of what is my first cycle of any PED and it’s a learning experience. As well as a supplement protocol that included Magnesium, Zinc, Fish Oil, Ashwaganda, Fenugreek, Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin, Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Creatine, and L-Citrulline. At that point, you might as well just continue the cycle. Ostarine is selective in that it binds only to bone and muscle androgen receptors, which prevents things like prostate issues or hair loss or any of the other nasty side We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. bio. I found I could go for longer. Compound Experience Thread- Ostarine (MK-2866)6. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. They're gtg. [deleted] Bad experience with Amino Asylum Ostarine. I've ran it higher. From what I understand (and why I started the cycle), ostarine isn't intended to help you get stronger than natty, it's intended to let you get "normal" results while on a big calorie deficit. Hey so I thought I’ll give some thoughts about my cycle with ostarine at 20MG a day. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Cardarine: I've narrowed down my choices between ostarine or LGD-4033 for my first cycle for a lean mass phase. Its definitely not going to help add muscle in a cut, its just not that strong. Our doses are so much higher than the intended and trialed doses were, and there are probably many people out there with adverse reactions to high doses. Based on these feelings and knowing my body I knew it was In my experience, Osta is a little better on a cut than LGD. You only feel the cosmetic effects from week 3 onwards. 3 weeks off and I'm feeling normal again. I used 10mg a day (according to the dropper) and within 2 weeks my hair was shedding fast and no jizz came out my dick. Ostarine experience thus far Background: 20 years old, been training for about a year and a half and looking to cut. 25mg left me more suppressed by the end of my 8 week cycle compared to the 15mg Dec 12, 2023 · In general, Ostarine users share their experiences in bodybuilding and athletic performance forums such as Reddit. I've used them. sl te kw fa xm qx ly nn wp cy