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How to get only 3 digits after decimal in java. Jan 17, 2017 · there are 2 ways of doing this.

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How to get only 3 digits after decimal in java. 4959); answered Jan 11, 2009 at 23:13.

7 April 2024 12:56

How to get only 3 digits after decimal in java. println(decimal); Explanation: Remove the decimal points, do the subtraction, and finally return the decimal point back to its original location! If decimal is not there then max of 6 digits is valid. 2f", budget/total) + " " + itemName + "s"); %. 34. for that I have tried to count how many numbers are after the decimal point them multiply it by 10 powered that number that I found add or deduct accordingly to make it round as a whole integer-for example 4. 23-3. Regex tested : ^\d{0,6}\. lang. 2f", d), your double will be rounded automatically. Cut off the fraction after those three digits. If you only want the number of significant bits in the double Nov 10, 2010 · I would like to generate random numbers between 1 & 10, with a decimal place of 1 (e. This will also not work correctly for large values of d (i. 2f", 65. you could use jsf convertNumber Tag. . ##"); TextField. Nov 20, 2017 · If you want to strip (remove) everything after the decimal you need to use ceil for negative numbers. Example: Input: val = 3. Apr 11, 2020 · I’m trying to print a number with digits after the decimal point, but i want to show just one digit. You should now use setScale(int, RoundingMode) e. ###"); df. println("2 decimal format: "); System. 79 Oct 2, 2019 · "I just want to show 2 digits after the decimal point in my future value textField" "I am not sure where to try %0. 0 to get only the two decimal points without any rounding. Apr 13, 2015 · 0. Based on your location, we recommend that you select: . format(hashValue) ); The result is reasonable, a double can only provide 15 to 16 decimal digits precision. ##"); Jul 2, 2010 · Note that this will round to a maximum of 3 decimal places, just like the round() function suggested above in the default case. Richard Campbell. Edited second time: What you need is still unclear. 45 you need the BigDecimal class, like. It returns "1" for "1. Dec 19, 2018 · Just use String. toFixed(2) You need to throw the toFixed () method at the number. println(dec. print((math. A quick check is to use the Math. I used 100 because you want to truncate to the second digit, but a more flexible solution would be : number = Math. (there are also other rounding methods) OR. HALF_EVEN); return new BigDecimal(Math. // assuming you want to round to Infinity. Aug 30, 2013 · Try. If you need EXACTLY 123. int digit = Character. 0. I had a case where I knew all the numbers in question would have only one decimal and wanted to get the decimal portion as an integer so I ended up using this kind of approach: var number = 3. println(df. ROUND_HALF_UP); Nov 16, 2014 · Elliot's answer is of course correct, but for completeness' sake it's worth noting that if you don't want to print the value immediately, but instead hold the String for some other usage, you could use the DecimalFormat class: DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##. toString(). time. double twoDecimalValue = Math. Math; double a; a = ((double) (round(a*10))) / 10. 8 * 100; // Apache commons math. System. Digits Dec 31, 2016 · /* package whatever; // don't place package name! */ import java. There are other conversion characters you can use besides f: d: decimal integer; o: octal integer; e: floating-point in scientific notation Oct 30, 2015 · The toFixed() method converts a number into a string, keeping a specified number of decimals. Aug 2, 2010 · Java 9 introduced a new Stream. The toFixed() method converts a number to a string. 257856. 3f means. SparkOn. println("Original value: " + d); System. The question is not about formatting fixed decimal places but about formatting a number like 5385,45 to 5. 2f" in the format string indicates that the decimal places should be rounded to 2 decimal places. 80. float y = magicFunction(x) print(y) Output: 36. 2) in decimal representation of a floating-point number (f) from the start of the format specifier (%). length()); int decimal=Integer. 73f; Mar 15, 2012 · 29. format("%02. So an input of 4. Jan 29, 2012 · Get BigDecimal. Computers work in binary. println("\n3 decimal format: "); System. after that you limit the String of the point and decimals to 3 chars, one for the decimal point and the others for the decimals. I have the following code: public BigDecimal standardDeviation() {. 00000. 3,591 24 18. 45 will turn 4. Same goes for any number in binary, that means 1/100 * 100 is not 1, because you just lost some decimal places. println("Remainder: " + remainder); To get quotient in real number such that one number after decimal. 999 entered would return invalid. Count the remaining fractional digits. *; /* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class Nov 5, 2015 · You can use the double literal d - otherwise your numbers are considered of type int: double operation = 890d / 1440d; Then you can use a NumberFormat to specify the number of digits. ####"); System. 9 has 4 digits before the decimal and 1 digit after the decimal for 5 total digits. 123456; Feb 26, 2016 · Try changing the first to \d {0,2}. Assuming getdecimalvalue() returns a string. 16) and times that by its . You could use the modulus operator: var num = 12. println(format. format() method "Returns the String value of this Decimal using the locale of the context user. we use accuracy and risk overflows). With float it is not possible to print the exact number, because you do not know how many digits the initial number had. 01 euro coin value (. I want to format a double value to 6 places precision without rounding. 414. Mar 26, 2013 · Make input to get only numbers with two decimal places. validation. println(formatter. Input: number = 0. Rounding the 3rd digit into 2nd digit also makes sense if it is greater than 5. 45, but something quite close to it in binary representation. Valid numbers: Dec 27, 2011 · add this instance of DecimalFormat to the top of your method: DecimalFormat three = new DecimalFormat("0. 34 Note that this does have the slight downside of rounding when the number of decimal places passed to toFixed() is less than the number of decimal places of the Feb 6, 2018 · 1. 000"); // or this. You can adjust this value as needed. Here is the code: Jul 19, 2018 · There's the usual fp inaccuracies to deal with it you want more decimal places. setScale(pCantidadDecimales, RoundingMode. Mar 4, 2016 · To get the number of digits before the decimal place, use this body: return n. round(this * power) / power); Nov 13, 2015 · According to SF documentation Decimal. Require 2 decimal places in text input with jQuery Dec 5, 2018 · So basically when you say ‘float’ in Java you actually declare a 32-bit 1–8–23 IEEE float, and similarly a ‘double’ is a 64-bit 1–11–52 IEEE float. 45678; i need that x=123. Approach 1: Using Mathematically : Shift the decimal of the given value to the given decimal point by multiplying 10^n. Jun 4, 2010 · try using toFixed: alert(i. 4; int integer = (int)number; double decimal = (10 * number - 10 * integer)/10; System. Method 1: Using the format () Method of the String class. Nov 24, 2015 · 10. println("Please input a decimal number Mar 21, 2021 · First of all, float and double are not exact types, meaning that speaking of the "number" of digits after the decimal point is not a well defined thing. nDec = n. this will modify the number to have commas every new thousandths place. import java. As for the number before the digit you should create a filter like this : Mar 3, 2011 · Select a Web Site. Apr 30, 2011 · double numb = 123. printf("%. With your method there is an option that the formatting will go wrong in some countries, which you would never notice as a developer and probably aren't willing to check for. (could be zero) the number before the decimal point can not begin with more than one zero. It doesn't even matter if you use setScale() method before calling format(). out. 80846153846 then the result value should be like a = 190253. abs(). format(34. doubleValue()), mc); } You want java. Oct 7, 2010 · 1. getValue()))); My problem is i am getting 80. DecimalFormat three = new DecimalFormat("#,##0. format("%03d", i) If your original number is in a String format and you want to get the last 3 characters, you could use string manipulation instead of arithmetic. a = Double. If you want the result to two decimal places you can do. int temp = (int) initialFloatValue * 10; int rightSideOfDecimalPoint = temp % 10; Feb 12, 2014 · As fge pointed out, this won't work as it is written over negative numbers; this can be addressed by either changing the condition (i. LocalDateTime (using Timestamp. out May 10, 2022 · There are 3 different ways to Round a Number to n Decimal Places in Java as follows: Using format Method. 99. g. 16 (. 0; This will shift left the dot of one position, round to the nearest integer and then shift the dot back to the right one position. Feb 13, 2013 · To use this class import java. 99 entered would return valid and 99. toFixed(20); alert(num. 12" is valid . 8723d; float myFloat = 7. If the digits are nine, add a "1" at the end. INVALID CASES. length(); Or, if you want to use precision and scale - with subtracting them you always get a correct result, except the value is between -1 and 1 (exclusive), so this also works to count only numbers (no sign): In my opinion, this can be achieved in 2 steps: Transform the number into your customised round-off. format(Double. I want to show exact figure for ex : Result : 100. toFixed(digits)), or have a very specific need for converting a number to a string at a certain amount of decimal places, which probably isn't all that rare, but for algorithmic Sep 4, 2014 · Use BigDecimal like this. 000, i am doing a parseDouble which will return a primitive double type and i am doing a format to this double to 2 decimals. BigDecimal to store the data exactly. format("%. For more options, try BigDecimal. sqrt(variance(). ')+1,s. 00"). <f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" minFractionDigits="2" />. MAX_VALUE value, this might be a clean solution. 1, decimalAsInt = Math. 3f", d); System. text. Formatting with 6 digits after the decimal requires 10 digits total so the last 3 digits will be incorrect. Or use a method which always rounds towards zero, i. For the above example, Chrome gives me 0. You need to use the RoundingMode. io. E. This won't work. format("%04d", number) - if you need it more often and want to centralize the pattern (e. 0" when it should return 0, per the OP's request. A safer way would be to use a DecimalFormat. The truth is that these errors have absolutely nothing to do with whether the numbers are stored in decimal or binary. 45 To ensure you have three digits, you'd need to convert the result to a String. println(digit); Jun 11, 2014 · Get early access and see previews of new features. – Nov 3, 2012 · I need to validate a numeric string with JavaScript, to ensure the number has exactly two decimal places. Sep 19, 2023 · 1. getNumericValue(s. 25, Output 4. 02) Hi, I would like to get only two digits after decimal point in a given number, but format function is rounding off the second digit to next number. Feb 1, 2009 · 0. 021005323 to 34. DecimalFormat. Type casting to integer may create problem but even long type can not hold every bit of double after narrowing down to decimal places. The toFixed() method rounds the string to a specified number of decimals. String. 0f", myNumber) if you don't want the numbers after the decimal point. 00"); return f. math. But Input as String {format:"#. 45"); // or. util. 55. @Fra, then you would use String. If you need 0 to be printed as 0. Dec 13, 2011 · Technically, no: the act of cutting off the further decimal places is rounding, only you're always rounding down to 5 decimal places. @Pshemo yes ". format(percent); Apr 24, 2013 · In my response i am getting the value as 80. x = 5. 2356 Output : 100. 8,856 4 30 34. 000"); // the three zeros after the decimal point above specify how many decimal places to be accurate to. e. 00, assuming your specified amount was 2. Sep 6, 2023 · Different Methods to Set Precision in Double Values. For example: NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat("#. 25 Feb 27, 2013 · Note: edited after the comment. Using DecimalFormat Class. 20 and so on. ", but it leaves only 3 digits after decimal point. ) and times it by its euro equivalent (. 1542; console. 30. 34567. 2" b. A java. If you want to display two digit after decimal point, then simply you can round off like: public static String roundDown(double d) {. toArray(); Jul 17, 2013 · If you want to have it only once use String. 7f; float n = 67. BigInteger numb = new BigInteger("123. The problem with scale () is that it fails to distinguish between decimal places and significant decimal places. Warning: This may be a bit slow. 34567; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#. double d = 31030. you can use the built in BigDecimal function. g: setScale(2, RoundingMode. 14. Jun 27, 2014 · I've written code to compute Levenshtein distance between two strings and give output like in floating point format with numbers after the decimal point. round(value, 1, BigDecimal. log(num % 1); However, due to the nature of floating point numbers, you will get a number that is very slightly different. 25. Multiply and Divide the number by 10 n (n decimal places) Example: Input: number = 1. 2f. round((number - parseInt(number)) * 10); // returns 1 This works nicely also with integers, returning 0 in those cases. For example here is a more generic function to obtain a number of characters from the end Mar 27, 2012 · The way I would like to do this is by taking the number before a decimal (such as $1. For"normal" values this will be fine though Dec 27, 2011 · How to get the double value that is only two digit after decimal point. Then it's possible to print the exact digits after the decimal point. 26, Output 4. pow(10, digits) where digits is the amount of decimal digits to keep. answered Apr 8, 2014 at 18:49. Output: 0. I want to get a BigDecimal value with the following attributes: Rounding mode: Halfe-even. – Pony. 5, 9. Example from SF documentation: Dec 19, 2015 · 6. SSS to get that millisecond precision. Another (slightly longer) option would be to use Math. 30) setScale(int, int) has not been recommended since Java 1. valueOf(12345, 2); A short working program yielding 45: Feb 20, 2013 · How to round a number to n decimal places in Java (39 answers) 179. 33333333 with infinite digits. HALF_UP); This returns a big decmial with 2 digits past the decimal and also rounds up. format("%,. trunc(number*Math. Output = 3. Jan 17, 2017 · there are 2 ways of doing this. 0 would produce 4. toFixed(2)); If you need the precision mentioned in the next answer from Jappie, you could overwrite the native toFixed method like this: var power = Math. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0. 0 is Mar 18, 2016 · You can use String. format(d); } But if you want to store 37187. 0075), add both values together to get the euro equivalent of $1. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#. 45 (in j this changes the type of the decimal and you need to convert back to decimal again if you want to have a decimal. 00##"); String result = df. formatToParts(0. valueOf(a); String str = String. Mar 19, 2011 · android:inputType="numberDecimal". println("Quotient: " + quotient); System. 7498) and take the number after a decimal (. In most cases, we’re only interested in the first couple of decimal places. The above regex allows max of 8 digits without decimal. EditText targetEditText = (EditText)findViewById(R. n < -9999) or first obtaining the absolute value of n (and then reverting the operation at the end). 50 and 3. 8698). 4, 6. Jul 7, 2021 · 0. println (str); Else if you really want to get double with 5 signs of precision after integer part, you may write the following: A float only accurately supports up to 7 decimal digits total, a double only supports up to 15 decimal digits. 235 // I need this output Apr 30, 2017 · Depending on the number of decimal digits, you could use this method: double number = 24. 142. 00"); in code. For dynamic suppose if the value is "12. toString() and find three or more consecutive '0' or '9' digits. 38474923077; BigDecimal dec = new BigDecimal(d). 5" then this will throw exception and in catch you directly show the value because value is only upto 1 decimal place after point. 5, when enums were first introduced, and was finally deprecated in Java 9. How can I format the output to display two digits after the decimal point? I don't know how to do this in Java, but I know in C I would use something like . parseDouble(custom. After that remove all trailing zeroes. 385,45, meaning about the thousands separator. Btw. The easiest way to format it in Java 8 is to convert the timestamp to a java. Follow the same example you will get the wrong result. 3455. 15419999999999945. config file) see the solution below. slice(0, -18)); //-> 4. This can be used to get all the digits in the number, using the modulo approach. 1 as 0. Dec 15, 2020 · Given a double value and a decimal place truncate the value to the given decimal point. HALF_EVEN); // here the value is correct (625. Mar 4, 2011 · I need to format a float to "n"decimal places. I created a method to check a double for two or less decimal places below: public boolean checkTwoDecimalPlaces(double valueToCheck) {. 41421356237, round = 3 . Here is the code: Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System. expected output: 12. Learn more about Labs Check if bigdecimal has only 2 digits after precision using @javax. If you want modify the number of digits before and after the point edit the call to PerfectDecimal (str, NUMBER_BEFORE_POINT, NUMBER_DECIMALS), here is set to 3 and 2. 9 or 99. f. If you need one number you reduce by 10 the above calculations or increase depending on how many numbers you want after the decimal. The validation will pass only if . if 4. public class LimitDecimalDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { Double d = 12345. We can use the format () method of the String class to format the decimal number to some specific format. Mar 5, 2014 · Here are one-liners solving your question from Apache Commons Math using Precision, Colt using Functions, and Weka using Utils: double value = 540. If you just want to cut your string two places after the decimal point, you could just find the . SetScale(2, RoundingMode. ex: Input: 12. 8723f; The number of decimal places can be different depending on the operations being performed. If you don't understand feel free to ask questions. 3f", 2. If you need java and rounding instead of truncate try this: import java. See the answers below for your options. A better way is to do it like this May 20, 2015 · If this is for displaying result, you can use the formatter like: String formatted = String. constraints. The number in parens is the number of digits from teh decimal. iterate(123400, i -> i > 0, i -> i / 10). Upto 3 decimal places. So use the following with the above known risk. in); //new scanner. 3, 2. For those who want to read specifically about the string format syntax: Format String Syntax. 5) / 100. NumberFormat('de-DE', {minimumFractionDigits: 3}). was trying to BigDecimal, but the return value is not correct // the function is call with the values Redondear(625. indexOf('. g, if you apply simply my answer to the number 0. 35f; String s= new Float(num). ##%"); double percent = (mark / tm); String formattedPercent = df. 45 isn't actually 123. 142857142857143. That's why i removed the int typecast and assumed either budget or total variable will be type of double so the When you have a BigDecimal you can simply call scale() to get the number of decimal places. Another single-line solution : number = Math. 3f, 2) BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal(pNumero); value = value. Let’s take a look at some ways to Mar 20, 2009 · To get quotient in integer numbers. RoundingMode; import java. 0; This result is not precise but Double. double mValue = 1234567890. Jul 12, 2018 · If you want to use float formatting, you could parse your string as a float, and then use "%. Print the following number as a floating point number with 3 decimals. 20 in variable of type "double", then it is not possible because double is stored in binary. Try: I have try with this: public static DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#0. BigInteger numb = BigInteger. 70710678118, round = 2 . – beny23. Vince. floor method. Jan 8, 2024 · In Java, we have two primitive types that represent decimal numbers, float and decimal: double myDouble = 7. 2f", number) @Choletski 0 will be printed as 0. Remember that 1/3 equals 0. ?\d{1,2}$. 35. You can use java. 5. myBigDecimal. 00"); System. " + a % b * 10 / b); Note: In the last method it will not round the number up after the decimal. %2. Please let me know if there is any way in DW 2. May 19, 2014 · 1. 24, Output 4. pow(10, digits))/Math. 512 / 1978. println("Year " + (2021 + j) + " you can buy " + String. answered Aug 30, 2013 at 5:16. Allow to enter only 2 decimal points number. I have a huge double that i want to get the first 2 decimal digits as float from. toString (double) will correct for this and print one to two decimal places. double no=12. 00, you can use DecimalFormat("#,##0. sql. println(dec); answered Sep 4, 2014 at 6:40. DecimalFormat and create object of it for example . 021005323). then just recombine. double tip = (long) (amount * percent + 0. Nf keeps N decimals of a double value. Method 1: Using format Method. 09 but if you want to get only 1 decimal place, then of course, it will return 0. double rounded1 = Precision. If you know your values will never exceed Long. 36843871. 1. DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##. java. Output: 1. 2f syntax tells Java to return your variable (val) with 2 decimal places (. (3402100. DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("0. CEILING); System. ratio = (double) comparisons / arrayLength; (while ratio is double and comparisons , arrayLength is int). println("4 decimal format: "); System. For example if the a = 190253. 5323 to 34. Jul 28, 2012 · Just pass your number to this function as a double, it will return you rounding the decimal value up to the nearest value of 5; if 4. DOWN for this particular example. number of digits after the point: 2. setRoundingMode(RoundingMode. HALF_EVEN) Sep 14, 2011 · Possible Duplicate: Round a double to 2 significant figures after decimal point how to convert double to 2 number after the dot ? for example: double x=123. setText(df. If you want just to output (or get some String) out of this float value you may do this: double val = Double. Feb 17, 2014 · I'm looking for an example in Java to check if a double amount entered by a user contains 2 decimal places e. toString(); String p=s. floor(x*100)%100)) This is will give you two numbers after the decimal point, 55 from that example. If you want to proceed on this path, you need an exact type such as BigDecimal. 5); The printf-Method allows you to specify a format for your input. ##"} gives 12. println(a / b + ". Nov 30, 2014 · Doubles are tricky to work with when you're interested in decimal properties such as the decimal digits of the fractional part. format(no)); So it will print two digits after decimal point here it will print 12. Using format () Method of String class. Then transformed number can be pretty-printed to truncate value after 2 decimals (34. the number has precisely two decimal places; there is at least one digit before the decimal point. trunc(number*100)/100. MathContext mc = new MathContext (4,RoundingMode. substring(s. . valueOf do the transformation to decimal digits and work with the resulting string. This will give you the first three digits after the decimal point. 2 means display 2 digits after decimal. So be sure, test an answer with: float n = 67. format(operation)); Apr 25, 2022 · For your situation the formatting would look something like this: System. 2. floor and then subtract the result from Sep 9, 2010 · String formattedNumber = String. HALF_UP); System. I think that Math. Jan 19, 2009 · If you return 2 decimal places or in general 1 place more than the number of zeroes present in the decimal part on left side, then you will get the correct result as you want. answered May 20, 2015 at 18:34. int[] a = IntStream. Divide the input with power of 10 to make it round to 2 digits. Decimal point = 3. format(((a)))); May 4, 2007 · You can use yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss. Example: import math. Oct 9, 2012 · Here you basically specify how many numbers you want to appear after the decimal point. 71. 20. Here is an example: double x = 0. setScale(2, RoundingMode. toBigInteger(). Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. parseInt(p); Oct 12, 2011 · 1. A string representation of input that does not use exponential notation and has exactly digits digits after the decimal place. I suggest you let String. 783214; System. 9) I would like to generate random numbers between 1 & 10, with 2 decimal places ( Stack Overflow Mar 30, 2016 · For the fraction its pretty easy as you can use Angular number filter. Apr 8, 2016 · 82. the int cast: public static double round (double d) { d = (double) ((int) (d * 100)) / (100); return d; } (also see round towards zero in java) okay one other solution that I thought of just for the fun of it would be to turn your decimal into a string and then cut the string into 2 strings, one containing the point and the decimals and the other containing the Int to the left of the point. toLocalDateTime()) and use Description. The computer can only store a finite number of binary digits, so it cuts after some digits. *; import java. targetEditTextLayoutId); Apr 8, 2014 · n = 0. floor(valueToCheck * 100) / 100; Feb 2, 2013 · For upto 2 decimal i give setScale first parameter as 2. if you want to round upto 2 decimal places,then use. trunc() if you care about good code, unless u need a specific amount of decimal place (which your probably in a CS class if that is the case) use Number(x. If you don't want rounding to 2 decimal places, use toFixed() to round to n decimal places and chop all those off but 2: var num = 4. parseDouble(twoDForm. DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#0. In order to anchor it properly, I need to know whether to anchor on whitespace or beginning/end of line or whatever. " requirement. format(num)); } } Mar 29, 2010 · In short, the %. // Get two decimal value of input valueToCheck. 2f", d); System. charAt(i)); System. Feb 2, 2015 · I am making an app which need to display 3 decimal points i achieve this by NumberDecimal but the issue is if 4th digit is >5 then 3rd digit automatically increase. there is an Oracle tutorial on number formatting. Round(x, 2) is the better answer if you want to maintain decimal without converting back and forth. 4959); answered Jan 11, 2009 at 23:13. Jan 23, 2017 at 12:51. I have been trying to make a program to round doubles after decimal point- for example-4. 236 // Applying NumberDecimal Need this output : 100. map(i -> i % 10). addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed( Oct 3, 2011 · Use Math. 88888); Here, . pow(10, precision || 0); return String(Math. 093, it will return 0. If you just want to get the first decimal value, the solution is really simple. iterate method which can be used to generate a stream and stop at a certain condition. Using round () method of Math class. Add the Listener in your onCreate. This answer is extremely misleading. If you want to customize that behavior to specify the number of decimal places, there're options for minimum and maximum fraction digits: Intl. 20, Output 4. 786; DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("#0. character and take a substring based on its position. id. How can I change according to my needs so that if there is no decimal then it would take max of 6 digits? VALID CASES. 2f", yourNumber); Note: In all the above examples, "yourNumber" is the double value that you want to format with a comma. You might want to write a couple of lines on the benefits and disadvantages of BigDecimal. You can do this by first subtracting the whole number part from the decimal number, then multiplying the result by 1000 and casting it to an integer. 5f", val); System. This means that 1/3 * 3 != 1. Here's an explanatory example: int leftSideOfDecimalPoint = (int) initialFloatValue; // The cast from float to int keeps only the integer part. 2127. But, if your Double input contains more than the amount specified, it will take the minimum amount specified, then add one more digit rounded up/down The sound and perfect way to get decimal part of float and double data types, is using with String like this code: float num=2. 05) Nov 27, 2018 · 3. round(value, 1); double rounded2 = Precision. edited Apr 16, 2018 at 13:57. Lumberjack. DecimalFormat; public class Decimal { public static void main(String[] args) { double num = 1. In this case %. but now I just want to show only two digits after decimal, like: 179. Timestamp actually does have (up to) nanosecond precision (assuming the database server and the driver actually support it). The ". You also need to anchor the expression to satisfy the "and NOT match anything with more than 2 digits before or after the decmial point. 000000"); System. qm vp gv bu do ne to xv aq ph