Div overflow scroll vertical only. Nov 29, 2023 · Last Updated : 29 Nov, 2023.

Div overflow scroll vertical only. ru/1wp4cesq/dometic-fridge-freightliner.

Div overflow scroll vertical only. Note, that there should be no button if the overflow doesn't happen. This causes IE to reflow the width of the table AFTER taking into account the width of the vertical scrollbar. child { max-height: 100%; overflow-y: scroll; } Oct 22, 2012 · Oct 20, 2012 at 15:51. overflow: -moz-scrollbars-vertical; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; } This will be applied to entire body tag, please update it to your relevant css and apply this properties. overflow-y: scroll; /* Show vertical scrollbar */. In this case, you just need to add height: 100% to the element you want to make scrollable. The content is only scrollable vertically. Make two different divs inside the pane, both filled with the content. The way around this is to shorten the width. So this would probably be better done using JavaScript, but a solution does exist in CSS, if you're willing to allow certain constraints on widths and heights and where the scrollbar ends up. So including the top border, the height of the main content is 100%, and the scrollbar appears only on the main content div. May 24, 2010 · use overflow-y if you only want a vertical scroll bar and overflow if you want both a vertical and horizontal. In this example, we have set the overflow-y property to auto on the body element to enable vertical scrolling when necessary. Sometimes we need to add scroll bar to a div or span whenever text in the div or span get overflow. g. However, no scroll chaining occurs on neighboring scrolling areas; the underlying elements will not scroll. Go guess whether content is scrollable or not. Tip: To learn more about the overflow property, go to our CSS Overflow Tutorial or CSS overflow Property Reference. You can perhaps alter the appearance of a scrollbar so that it fades when the div in question is not hovered over. Change overflow-y: hidden; to overflow-x: hidden; Heres a quick demo. When i click and drag the child div that should move on left/right respect to dragging direction. clip: Overflow content is clipped at the element's overflow clip edge that is defined using the overflow-clip-margin property. It also includes CSS styles to change the color of a scrollbar. It's 2020 and ::-webkit-scrollbar is still not supported in Firefox. The problem is that your text area is taller than your div. ::-webkit-scrollbar {. Jun 20, 2019 · I was having the problem that scrollIntoView () was causing the whole window to adjust, which was undesirable; just need the scrolling element to scroll to the bottom (like a terminal) on demand. HTML: Aug 3, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. 0. all I want is to scroll the second div instead of a whole page: Jul 23, 2018 · Hi I want only vertical scroll for div dont want horizontal scrollI have tried many css stop horizontal scroll but it showing overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y May 3, 2015 · 1. Mar 16, 2010 · The key is having your 100% width table wrapped in an element with hasLayout (eg, a #myDiv in Joel's example, a div with zoom:1 to trigger hasLayout) INSIDE of the scrolling element with overflow:auto. menu-items--depth-0 { /* These three give me the horizontal scroll I want, but then the drop-downs don't show */ width: 300px; overflow-x: auto; /** You do not require overflow-y **/ /* For the sub menus to be displayed, you need to have some height to the element or create some div element below the ul element. contain. Overflow. float:left; width:1000px; Mar 30, 2012 · 34. Aug 12, 2013 · 192. We can use that property for getting a scroll bar on a web page. Note: The overflow property only works for block elements with a specified height. Right now it doesn't work because #content has a dynamic height, and instead of scrolling when overflowing (because it will never overflow), it will expand. Instead of setting the whole div to scroll, I want everything to stay in place, leaving only the comments div to scroll. What am I missing? Not working Jan 19, 2024 · The default scroll overflow behavior occurs as normal. When I load the page in landscape, and there is enough content to need overflow it works, but if I then change the device orientation to portrait (where the content doesn’t Jan 23, 2024 · Apply the class `scroll down` to the table for styling. On a mobile (Safari, webviews, wherever), overflow:scroll and overflow-scrolling: touch give a pretty smooth scroll, which is cool. With this modification, the div with class col-auto will remain visible within the div with class row, and the horizontal scrollbar will appear to allow the user to scroll through the overflow content. that-box {. Apr 8, 2015 · Left Scrollbar Hack Demo. The div ends up cutting off the textbox, so even though it looks like it should start scrolling when the text is taller than 159px it won't start scrolling until the text is taller than 400px which is the height of the textbox. Dec 31, 2023 · This post explains the way how to add a horizontal and vertical scrollbar. scrollHeight) like so Sep 2, 2021 · They both are housed by a main div which has the height of the current screen. So in this example (with your html above) I set it to 200px, which was less space than necessary to display the content without a scroll bar, and thus shows a scroll bar. addScroll { overflow-y: auto; max-height: 140px; } If you will not specify height or max-height of . May 27, 2009 · Scroll. Any percentages that follow are always that of an element's ancestor (s). I'm not saying that they're not useful; just make sure you've thought long and hard about how users will interact with the page before adding scroll bars where they're not needed. User agents display scroll bars in both horizontal and vertical directions if only one value is set, whether or not any content is overflowing or clipped. overflow: auto: Show a scroll bar when . } Jun 28, 2017 · if there isn't content to scroll through, a shadow will not appear. However, if set to 100% it does not work, because 1) you need to uncomment the May 4, 2013 · Okay, so when I have overflow-y: scroll; and -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; it works fine in most cases… except on the DIV I actually need it. After lots of research I came to this solution. Here the scroll div will be horizontally scrollable. Mar 18, 2024 · The element box is not a scroll container. All this while the nav on the right remains as is without being affected by the content overflow on the main content div Nov 26, 2013 · Users rely on the presence of a scrollbar to indicate that they can indeed scroll. Use the overflow-y: scroll property on the element that contains the elements. May 11, 2016 · how to make the content inside scroll when content increase and once window height is reached; the footer should not overlap the scroll able area when screen size is changed; is it possible to provide a css fix only Nov 25, 2021 · I doubt this is possible, seeing as the underlying javascript event doesn't differentiate between horizontal and vertical scrolling. The div element consists of ul li element and some other div tags for my requirement. if the content of the container overflows (i. I am not familiar with CSS. viewgallerylist{width:920px; float:left; padding-top:20px; height:120px; border-bottom:1px #000000 solid; overflow-x: scroll;} the problem is that the scrollbar are 2, 1 horizontal and 1 vertical. @TMB: A 100% height on html makes it 100% of the viewport (a browser's viewing area), and a 100% height on body makes it 100% of its parent, which is html. Nov 26, 2013 at 13:37. If you don't set 100% height on html or body then they behave like any other block element. See the snippet below. and also it will be better if you give overflow-y:auto; instead of overflow: auto;, because this makes the element to scroll only vertical but not horizontal. Either way, it's a fair bit of CSS (quite possibly JS) trickery. Apr 14, 2012 · So, for the situation you describe in the picture you include: Since all the elements above and below the pink div are of a known height (let's say, 200px in total height), you can use calc to determine the height of ole pinky: height: calc(100vh - 200px); or, 'height is 100% of the view height minus 200px. The overflow property specifies what should happen if content overflows an element's box. container class 100vh value. Your style attribute is misspelled but I guess it's a typo Optionally, you can try this instead of "overflow:auto;" : overflow-x: auto; overflow-y: auto; But this is the normal behaviour of "overflow:auto;". Aug 30, 2012 · in the style for that element, put overflow-y:auto, this way when it has an overflow it will show a scroller, but if not it will have no scrollbar. } The . 6. so i write : . In answer to your question, yes overflow:auto will work, but you will need height: 100% on the HTML tag as well: height:100%; margin: 0; height: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: auto; The way your markup is structured though will produce two divs both the same height as the viewport one on top of the other. x-scroller DIV will be dynamically generated in a loop with her contents, each of the x-scroller DIV will equally have some contents which I will like to be able to scroll in horizontal direction only as can be seen in the picture Oct 18, 2016 · 7. overflow-y:hidden; //this will cause clipping on content outside of the box. The white-space: nowrap; property is used to wrap text in a single line. Also, we need to reduce the width of thead as value of the width of vertical scroll-bar. 5+, and Safari, Opera etc. Click here to learn more. Overflow content is clipped at the element's padding box, and overflow content can be scrolled into view using scroll bars. – Mar 10, 2012 · For overflow-y: auto to work and make scroll bars, that div must have a specific height set. So the vertical scrolling is done using mouse wheel and horizontal using the scrollbar at the bottom (and other, usual controles like keyboard etc. I want to make div with vertical scroll-bar only for long content without horizontal scroll-bar. I just want only horizontal scroll bars to appear automatically. background: pink; display: block; overflow: auto; height: 100%; /* NEW */. Feb 18, 2015 · I need Mouse click and Drag instead of Horizontal scroll bar. width:100px; max-height:250px; overflow-y:auto; } edited Oct 3, 2017 at 21:42. May not work with overflow-x!):. it scrolls) and the user is at the very top of the content then there should be a shadow on the bottom of the page and not the top. overflow-x: scroll; /* Show horizontal scrollbar */. OSx Lion hides scrollbars while not in use to make it seem more "slick", but at the same time the issue you addressed comes up: people sometimes cannot see whether a div has a scroll feature or not. One of the divs in my container houses comments. my_div {. Jul 14, 2011 · Do you want to know how to set a vertical scrollbar for a div element in HTML? This question has been asked and answered by many web developers on Stack Overflow, the largest online community for programmers. Set `width: 100%` to make the table span the entire width. body. margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; Mar 5, 2012 · overflow: auto (or overflow-y: auto) is the correct way to go. Let me know if I am missing anything. This property specifies whether to clip content or to add scrollbars when an element's content is too big to fit in a specified area. The problem with this now is that the columns themselves don't extend beyond their parents height, so the borders are cut off there too. Quoting from the MDN docs. Of course it doesn't work because width is 100, no scrolling is needed. Use: overflow: auto; This will show the vertical scrollbar and only if there is a vertical overflow, otherwise, it will be hidden. pow(10, 10) did the trick using a too high value like Infintiy or Number. Instead use display: block. Although I could get the vertical scrolling working properly and my horizontal scrolling is displayed using overflow-x: scroll. Jun 20, 2023 · If the content inside the div exceeds the specified height, a vertical scrollbar will appear, allowing the user to scroll through the overflow content. If you want to accomplish the same in Gecko (NS6+, Mozilla, etc) and IE4+ simultaneously, I believe this should do the trick:V. scrollTop = Math. You can add a scrollbar to the HTML body, table, div, and any valid HTML element using CSS. Same goes if the user is at the bottom of the page expect that there Feb 27, 2010 · This is my own plugin (will position the element in top of the the list. Here's how it works: Inject an inner div inside the pane to allow calculation of the content width ( content_width ). May 22, 2020 · First, by default, a grid item cannot be smaller than its content. If you omit the height property, the div will expand vertically to accommodate its content, and the scrollbar will only appear when the content exceeds the available space in the parent container. Jul 31, 2016 · And only when you push this button, all the content should be shown and obviously the scrollbar will be shown automatically. By design, this content will vertically scroll. If you have both an x and y overflow, then both x and y scrollbars will be shown. 32. The reason the solution is "not immediately obvious" is this: The default value of 'overflow' is NOT 'auto', but 'visible'. The trick here, by the way, is setting the height of both html and body to 100%. This is not what I want. The usually suggested solution with Jul 26, 2016 · 2. parent { height : 300px ; //for example overflow: hidden; } . Of note with this value is that you get BOTH horizontal and vertical scrollbars no matter what, even if the content requires only one or the other. Any solution with css or jquery/JS M The way to prevent the innerDiv from overflowing is to give it the attribute "overflow: auto", or "overflow-y: auto" if we just want to prevent vertical overflow. #scroldiv {. Nov 6, 2017 · You can use the following CSS rules:. For a scrollable bar, use the x and y-axis. But, it makes the page "bounce" (area circled below), which is not the case when you are not using it, but which makes the experience a little less "native" (and more simply, as far as I can have an opinion Aug 14, 2014 · Here is my JSFiddle Sample. Andrew Alfred Technical advisor Debra Houston Analyst Jul 17, 2014 · How can you make a div element display only a vertical scrollbar when its content overflows? This question on Stack Overflow provides some possible solutions using CSS properties such as overflow-y, max-height and height. I've added content surpassing the height, and a div with a width greater than 340px inside #CamListDiv. e. For testing purpose, add height: 100px; and check. Use these shorthand utilities for quickly configuring how content overflows an element. Jun 28, 2016 · This solution worked for me and its display the vertical scrollbar only in child div. , "bounce" effects) is observed inside the element where this value is set. e. claudiomedina. The W3Schools online code editor allows you to edit code and view the result in your browser Jul 15, 2014 · Simple example with div below another div, the first one displays a video with a 100% width, the other one's got some overflowing text inside. container {overflow-x:hidden;} The above code will hide any overflow in the x-axis and generate a scroll-bar when needed on the y-axis. Add min-width: 0 to main. Sep 18, 2010 · 5. I am not able to scroll it, the ul li elements gets distorted. with css just use overflow-y:scroll and define the max height, or just height. You can assign 70% height to . ERROR in your code:: you want to have a scroll bar for a div,but you are declaring that div height as auto. body {. Just ran into this problem myself. i need to use an horizontal scollbar only if the content of the div is longer than the width value. When I use a section to hold the image and the username (shown below), they all shrink to fit the screen size. container {overflow-y:auto;} . Using overflow-x: allowed me to keep the iframe and content inside all fluid. Edit: As Sabithpocker pointed out, if you have no height, as far as I know, the table will expand to show all text if there is You can adjust scrollbars of an iframe or any element with following css code: iframe{ width:500px; height: 500px; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: scroll } answered Jun 15, 2012 at 20:32. Dec 10, 2010 · 2. Set the overflow-y: hidden; and overflow-x: auto; which will automatically hide the vertical scroll bar and present only the horizontal scrollbar. '. The below-mentioned examples are the ways to set a vertical scroll bar on a web page. NOTE: elem is the HTML selector of an element which the page will be scrolled to. This is an example of using . You are hiding the vertical scrollbar, and not the horizontal one. div. The box-sizing value impact padding or margin solutions, they works with box-sizing:content-box. – Jason Suárez. However, you can keep track of the vertical/horizontal position yourself to detect a horizontal scroll. overflow-y:scroll; height: ###px; --edit: and hide the scroll bar at a certain width. I understand that there is a property called "overflow" and you can use "scroll" value but I don't need the scrollbars until the user press the push button. By design, this content will vertically Feb 26, 2018 · 9. How to make a drop-down element overflow a container that has hidden or scrolled overflow in CSS? This question on Stack Overflow provides a detailed explanation and a working example of the solution, using position: absolute and z-index properties. And to clarify further. current. Feb 16, 2017 · . Besides overflow:auto shows scrollbar when content overflows in Chrome and Safari, but in Firefox there will be no visible scrollbar until we start scrolling. The basic idea is to make the tabs themselves be inline-block, and have their container have overflow-x: auto. The reason for scrolling to be needed is if a div has TOO MUCH content in its defined lengths. Setting the overflow value of a box to scroll will hide the content from rendering outside the box, but will offer scrollbars to scroll the interior of the box to view the content. Yes overflow:auto or overflow-y:scroll or overflow:scroll all don't allow the fixed div to scroll. Jun 4, 2011 · 1. Oct 9, 2015 · Add this to the last red backrounded div it's CSS: overflow-y: scroll; OP didn't mention the content could overflow only vertically :) But you get my point anyway 0. Add a ref to the element with overflowY: "scroll", and use the formula this. scroll. Feb 22, 2018 · The solution is quite simple: Don't use display: inline-block; as it will place the image will be placed inline and with some margin down. Aug 10, 2009 · Force Vertical Scrollbar. I have tried setting the parent overflow to hidden, and the comment div to scroll, and the scrollbar actually shows on the page but it is disabled. To the #page div then you will get a scroll bar inside of that div if and only if you have content inside of it that overflows the height of the div. pow(10, 10); From MDN: If set to a value greater than the maximum available for the element, scrollTop settles itself to the maximum value. It’s a fixed DIV. edited Apr 26, 2023 at 17:56. The trick is to calculate: (a) current div user scroll position and (b) div scroll height, both BEFORE appending the new element. g width: 95% would remove the horizontal bar, showing only the vertical one. The reason for this is to prevent “centering jumps” when navigating back and forth between pages with enough content to have a vertical scroll bar and pages that do not. theDiv. Default scroll overflow behavior (e. I tryed this snippet with every browsers (including IE 7, 8 and 9) and I have no problems. Good answer. Dec 22, 2023 · HTML & CSS Course. Nov 29, 2023 · For a horizontal scrollable bar use the x and y-axis. So in short: overflow: scroll: Always show a scroll bar. Just paste these lines into your css file. These classes are not responsive by default. Enable vertical scrolling in the tbody with `height: 50px` and `overflow-y: auto`. Is Table with 100% Width. You should never touch table tags (table, tbody, thead, tfoot, tr) with CSS properties display and overflow. I have a small part of a webpage that will contain a large text and i want it to expand vertically instead of horizontally, I know that is possible to use overflow: visible|hidden|scroll|auto|initial|inherit; both horizontally and vertically with overflow-x and overflow-y, but that doesn't solve my problem cause they either hide the text or at first you will need to have a fixed height for content area. Sep 21, 2011 · The result i'm looking for is to always have a vertical scrollbar only for the content and the footer should be always visible at the bottom of the dialog-window. The dialog-window is a fixed size dialog. Then, overflow-y: auto should work 499. The Ul li elements are dynamically added inside the parent div element. Sep 8, 2011 · Is it possible to specify a position (left or right hand side) for the placement of a vertical scrollbar on a div? For example look at this page which explains how to use the overflow attribute. footer div. Nov 15, 2016 · 8. – Roberto. May 27, 2016 · Set the overflow-x to be hidden if you want the vertical scrollbar to be hidden; otherwise set overflow-y to be hidden; for the final child element, set the width and height to your desired value. A. addScroll element (or one of the parent elements will not limit its height), it will take as much height as content, and the scroll will not be applied. Tip: Use the overflow-x property to determine clipping at the left and right edges. I will modify the height of the table programmatically. myautoscroll {. To show scroll bar, we need to specify overflow property of css to "visible" or "auto". Give #content a fixed height, and it will work. height: 40ex; width: 40em; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #444; margin: 3em; If your table has a big width (more than screen width), then you have to add scroll events for horizontal scrolling header and body synchroniously. Apr 4, 2012 · I have had the same problem and tried a bunch of the above solutions without result. Learn from the answers and comments of other web developers who faced the same issue. x-scroller{. 13k 30 101 157. Adjust the overflow property on the fly with four default values and classes. Jan 4, 2021 · In most situations however you probably only want to show a scroll bar if one is needed, and hide it when not (you know, like Mac). Show demo . If you want to control a specific direction, you should set auto for that specific axis. If you are facing a similar problem, check out this answer and learn from the experts. Same with overflow:scroll. Default value: Apr 14, 2020 · I'm trying to write HTML/CSS in a way that I have a div which can be scrolled both vertically and horizontally, but ONLY the horizontal scrollbar is visible. Sep 4, 2013 · I managed to get this working. More complete explanation here: Prevent content from expanding grid items. , overflow: auto; and an axis hiding procedure like overflow-x: hidden; and overflow-y: auto; will make a bar scrollable vertically and horizontally, and the "auto" value will add only a vertically scrollable bar. Chris Coyier on Aug 10, 2009 (Updated on Jan 5, 2017 ) html { overflow-y: scroll; } This is invalid CSS, but it works in everything except Opera. ). Otherwise the scroll bar will display, even if you do not need it to show. If you are seeing a scroll bar on the right hand side of the page then you have the div #page height set too tall, try reducing the height on that div until that scroll bar goes away. If the browser view port shrinks that would not cause the div to force a scrolling action anyway. Jun 20, 2017 · height: 100%; //if you want to add border to this container, border: 1px solid cyan; box-sizing: border-box; } Further if you have any other divs inside the container, they would take advantage of . In this approach, the table has a width of 100% and for each th and td, the value of width property should be less than 100% / number of cols. MAX_VALUE will reset scrollTop to 0 (Firefox 66). You need to assign some height to make the overflow: auto; property work. E. This way the scroll bar will not show up until it is needed. Jun 12, 2013 · 14. # How to add a scrollbar to the div element. Apr 2, 2010 · The reason is that the vertical scrollbar itself take up some horizontal space, and the horizontal bar appear to allow the reader to scroll underneath the vertical scrollbar. It does not scroll and the #designDiv begins to expand vertically. . If you want the horizontal/vertical scrollbars to only show up when needed, use auto . oops, i forgot to mention the DIV was Nov 5, 2010 · Extra scrollbars in a webpage make it less accessible, and more cumbersome to use. scroll bar is supported in all browsers like IE 5+, FF 3. answered Feb 22, 2018 at 17:43. you cant demand a scroll bar when the height is auto,to have scroll bar you will need to have a fixed height for that div and when the content Nov 3, 2008 · div#tbl-container { width: 600px; overflow: auto; scrollbar-base-color:#ffeaff } This gives me both horizontal and vertical scroll bars automatically once I populate my table which is contained by this div. Jan 29, 2016 · If you apply. HasanG. Auto Spent too many hours on a similar issue, the only thing that worked was using overflow: clip (instead of hidden) on the container element that was scrolling too far. The fix: In your css include -. scrollTo(0, this. The overflow-y property specifies whether to clip the content, add a scroll bar, or display overflow content of a block-level element, when it overflows at the top and bottom edges. If you're applying overflow: auto to an element so it can launch a vertical scrollbar, then also give it a height limitation. In order to do that, we need to use CSS3 calc() function, as follows: Jul 17, 2012 · The box-sizing property in CSS allows us to fit the entire element into the width and height we specify, including padding and borders. Dealing with DIV wrappers is much more preferable. Nov 29, 2023 · Last Updated : 29 Nov, 2023. E. There are different values in the overflow property. I want my body directly scrollable without any scrollbar, and only a vertical scroll, working with CSS grids for any screen size. The defaults are min-width: auto and min-height: auto. page-content {. Apr 29, 2017 · This will prevent the div from wrapping to a new line and overflowing. content-panel {. The top: -50%; is also moving the picture 50% up leaving it's original position blank. Making a div vertically scrollable is easy by using the CSS overflow property. Then, using this, the native scrollbar width can be calculated: scrollbar_width = parent_width - content_width - horizontal_padding . overflow-auto on an element with set width and height dimensions. May 2, 2021 · I have a div container that holds the child elements, which I want to scroll. page-content and 30% height to . May 21, 2013 · My problem: I don't want any style in my HTML content. But you have to make sure that your content default height is smaller than the Jun 25, 2016 · 2. } Try it Yourself ». Suppose you have an HTML div element, You declared width of 300px and Example. Feb 3, 2014 · The above works, but when the content area's content overflows, it makes the whole page scroll. (I set body and html to height: 100% and the height of #content to calc(100% - 200px) to fill up all the space not This is my CSS: width:249px; height:299px; background-color:Gray; overflow-y: scroll; max-width:230px; max-height:100px; It does show the vertical scroll bar but the problem is during the run-time when the user adds some content to the #designDiv. To hide the x (horizontal) scrollbar, even if present simply add: overflow-x: hidden; body {. I want only a few sections to appear and the rest when I scroll. Note: setting an overflow attribute to scroll will always display the scrollbars. -webkit-appearance: none; Unlike overflow-scroll, which always shows scrollbars, this utility will only show them if scrolling is necessary. If a === b, we know the user is at the bottom before appending the new element. For that, you need overflow: auto, which lets a browser automatically determine if a scroll bar is needed — or not. Therefore, the main element, which is a grid item in app-root, needs an override. Mar 26, 2012 · At first, it does hide the scrollbar and just shows a scrollbar for the overlay (absolutely positioned div (#wrapper)) but when I click on the link (#site) to show the scrollbar again (and remove the overlay), it now shows two scrollbars: one is working, the other is disabled. Improve header appearance with a fixed height and centered content. You can find the best solutions, tips and tricks, and code examples for creating a scrollable div with CSS or jQuery. (as opposed to overflow-y:scroll which will always show a scroll bar. then make overflow:auto there. Next, we've used the ::-webkit-scrollbar pseudo-element to style the scrollbar. I need the main content div to scroll internally not scroll with the entire view when content overflows. While the value of Math. Mar 20, 2017 · 2. Style columns with a fixed width (`width: 200px`) and borders. I only want the content area itself to scroll, so I added overflow: auto to the content div. . overflow-x: scroll; overflow-y:hidden; height:100px; width: 300px. Specially for overflow-y : auto. Explore Teams Create a free Team Use overflow-y with the auto option. gi dy fc eo cb gc uc hw ic bm